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Clothesline Art Show

Art, whether in written, performance or visual formats, has been at the heart of the tristate lifestyle since the area was “discovered” by art colonies in the mid-19th century.

As industry faded, and farming waned, the region’s beauty formed a strong attraction for artists who, with improved transportation to urban markets, could buy homes here, settle into artistic communities and prosper.

Those artists have proliferated in the ensuing 175 years and have often supported the communities that embraced them.

On September 18th, Salisbury Family Services, a not-for-profit, charitable organization that offers support for residents of Salisbury struggling with financial or other difficulties, will present its Clothesline Art Show and Sale, 10:30 AM-3:30PM under tents on the White Hart Inn’s lawn, showing its appreciation for the arts community.

Artists have been invited to show their art and keep all the proceeds, although tax-deductible donations to SFS are gratefully received. Designated spots have been provided for the artists, who are expected to be present during the show.

More than 40 artists have registered for the event, including such well-known luminaries as Danielle Mailer, Hillary Cooper, Alan Blagden, Anne Day, Terre Lefferts and Susan Rand.

Founded in the mid-1930’s in a time of serious economic depression, SFS has served the greater Salisbury area ever since.
