It’s a few days early this year, but JumpFest, the annual Salisbury Winter Sports Association ski jump competition, is traditional in every other way. At nearly 100 years old, the sport has deep roots in Salisbury and draws young athletes from across the eastern United States to prove their skill.
This year’s program begins Friday, January 31st, with the gates opening for targeting jumping at 6PM at 80 Indian Cave Road. The event is followed by one of the most popular events of the three-day weekend, the Human Dog Sled Race, in which a number of zany humans draw “sleds” of their own design.
Saturday, the small hills open for practice at 8AM, followed by the Junior Competition on the 20M and 30M hills at 9:30AM. From 11 AM to noon, there will be practice on the 65M slope. The afternoon’s main competition beings on the hill at 1PM.
After a chance to warm up, all are invited to the annual Snow Ball SWSA fundraiser at the Lakeville Town Grove, 8 to 11:30PM. There will be music by the Steve Dunn Band, a raffle and more. The entry fee is $20, with children 12 and younger, free.
The weekend wraps up Sunday with the 65M hill open for practice at 11AM and the Eastern U.S, Ski Jumping Championships starting at 1PM. The eastern division Junior National Team will be named after Sunday's competition.
For tickets click here.