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The Town of Sheffield

by Sarah Ellen Rindsberg

The motto of Sheffield, Massachusetts: “He who plants a tree plants hope,” is indicative of the town’s spirit. The motto is adapted from the poem “Plant a Tree,” by Massachusetts poet Lucy Larcom which appears on the web site of the Sheffield Tree Project. The project - which has planted over 100 trees - is dedicated to preserving the green quality of the town through planting and maintenance.

Resident Laura Green explained the importance accorded to land conservation by the town: “People are very, very conscious of protecting the land.” She also noted that many townspeople actively support the Sheffield Land Trust.

To fully appreciate the beauty of the area, a stop in Ashley Falls, a section of Sheffield, is warranted. Bartholomew’s Cobble preserve includes five miles of hiking trails one of which leads to the Colonel Ashley House. Ashley, a supporter of the American Revolution, led a committee charged with writing the Sheffield Resolves, a petition against Great Britain. In addition, the Appalachian Trail has many miles of hikeable terrain.

This is a town steeped in history. Sheffield, incorporated in 1733, is the oldest town in Berkshire County. The covered bridge dates back to 1837 and the bell displayed behind the Old Stone Store (home to the historical society) was manufactured in1860 in Sheffield, England. It originally hung in the steeple of the Methodist Church on Main Street, now a private home. Maps for a self-guided smartphone tour entitled “If This House Could Talk” are available until the end of August at the society.

This community of 3,335 residents - located equidistant between Boston and New York City - also includes an active farming community. “There are two large dairy farms and an abundance of smaller farms,” Town Administrator Rhonda La Bombard stated. The farmers’ market is held on Fridays between 2:30 and 6:30. In the fall, raspberry and pumpkin picking is available at Howden Farm which also operates a bed and breakfast.

Antiquing is a main attraction. There are several shops including Susan Silver Antiques, Linda Rosen Antiques and the Painted Porch.

Eateries include the Stagecoach Tavern, featuring an extensive farm-to-table menu. For oven-baked flatbread pizzas and lattes, visit the Marketplace Cafe.

For the musically-inclined, Sheffield is home to the Magic Fluke Company. This business makes and sells ukeleles. Bette Midler has strummed one during a show in Las Vegas.
